DAP News. Breaking News by Soy Sopheap

Monday, September 13, 2010.

via CAAI

Cambodia Strongly Supports Vietnam for Hosting First Meeting of ASEAN Defense Ministers +8 Partners

Monday, 13 September 2010 09:44 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010-Cambodia government has fully supported Vietnam to host first ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting plus 8 partners (ADFM) in Hanoi on 11-13 October this year.

Eang Sophallet, assistant to Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Vietnam –Cambodia cooperation has been cooperated broadly and especially defense –defense ministry, and government and government.

Cambodian side asked Vietnamese side to give more support to train human resources for Cambodian troops and both defense ministries will strengthen further bilateral cooperation for mutual benefits,” Eang added.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh has strongly supported for the Vietnam’s role as ASEAN Chairman to host the first ASEAN Defense Ministers plus other eight partner including Russia , China, The United states, South Korea, Australia , New Zealand, India, and Japan,” said Vi Tien Trong, director of institution of international cooperation and foreign affairs of Vietnam Defense Ministry told reporters in a press conference in Phnom Penh, where accompanied the senior Vietnamese delegation led by Vice minister of defense of Vietnam’s visit.

“We are coming here to seek the support for the meeting and hope Vietnam will do it successfully, and Cambodian side expressed full support for Vietnam, said Trong.

The military cooperation among our ASEAN partners plus other eight countries need to cooperation to strengthen relationship tie to contribute peacekeeping mission, security and anti-terrorism, marine security and humanitarian affairs and disasters,” Trong added.

When asking about the sensitive issues of Spratly Island, and other issues in South China sea, Torng said that Vietnam’s stance so far has depended on existing mechanism of international laws to deal issues. We will not use forces to deal the issues, and use peaceful deal, Trong said.

For Asean region, each country has own problems, and we could deal it alone. So, we need to cooperate with other partners to help to deal them, Trong noted.

Cambodia Strengthens Land Titling to Collect Tax Collection

Monday, 13 September 2010 07:22 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010-Cambodia in collaboration with Canada on Monday conducted the workshop on land valuation to strengthen land titling to collect the tax revenue of the government.

“Through this workshop, the participants will gain a better understanding of land assessment framework, practice and skills and the differences between appraisal and assessment, Lisa Wishart said in her opening remark of workshop.

“These skills are important to building a strong transparent land administration system in Cambodia. They will be important in the implementation of Cambodia’s new land tax which will bring much needed revenue to the system and help finance the government’s on going operation,” She added.

She continued that they will be important to the sustainability of the land tilting system as once a land tax system is in place there will be a strong incentive to transfer the title should the land be sold. No one wants to pay tax on land they no longer own. A strong land valuation system therefore helps to address and prevent land grabs and conflicts, she added.

Roath Sarin, secretary of state for ministry of urbanization and construction and land management went on that the main pillar of land policy including land titling, urbanization, and land distribution.

“We have clear purpose to strengthen the safety of land , strengthen land market, and also prevent the deal of land conflicts,” he stresses.

Revenue from land tax will do and contribute good governance. We also will soon value land for providing benefits of land sale, land buying and land tax collection of land, and proper compensation for new resettlement under transparency and effectiveness,” He said, adding that thanked government of Canada for their contribution of this process.

Cambodia registered over one million of land titling in the country. Land conflicts occurred when the price of land grow rapidly in the past few past years. Even the gobal economic crisis hit the country but the price of land and real estate downed very low rate.

In Phnom Penh, price of land costs from 1,000 -1500 US dollars per one square meter.

UN-Cambodia Court Meets on Amendment of Internal Rule.

Monday, 13 September 2010 05:57 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010-The UN-Cambodia court on Monday met at the Cambodiana Hotel for amending the internal rule in a move to strengthen participation from the victims and allow ECCC to work effectively.

Speaking at the five day meeting, president of judge of ECCC Kong Srim said that “the amendment is necessary for ensuring the ability of ECC in dealing with complaints in case 002 because this case participated largely from victims. It also is very complicated and the 4128 victims filed complaints,” He added.

Acting international vice president Judge Motoo Noguchi, continued that The majority of this week will be devoted to discuss to amend internal rules concerning victims s participation and reparation, in particular with a view to making the existing reparation system more meaningful and effective for real and sustainable benefits for victims.

Mooto added that “without such support, the chambers cannot function. It is as simple and stark as that. “The time will not wait for us, he said, adding that the court is mandated to comply with international recognized standards of due process and fair trail rights.

He noted: We met as strangers four years ago, but now I feel we are a solid team which together strives to accomplish our common goal of bringing justice to the people of Cambodia. This case will now move to appeal process before the Supreme Court chamber. The recent judgment of trail chamber on its first case marked an important milestone in the history of ECCC.

As this is the first court at the international or hybrid level with such a mechanism, we are eager to learn from our won past experience and keep improving so that we can remain confident that our procedure are fair and meaningful to the extent possible under various legal and practical constraints.

“I trust that the ECCC’s proceedings will become most balanced and trustworthy with appropriate degree and mode of victims ‘participation depending on the stage and with highest level of continued interest and support from Cambodian people and civil society,” Motoo stresses.

Dim Sovannaron, media official for ECCC told reporters at the meeting that in 2010, we lacked budget of 7.4 million US. In 2011, we are in shortage of 37 million US dollars. The meeting last week, donor will support strongly for the court, he added.

Dim added that Duch did not include in case 002 because Duch already sentenced in case, 001.the case 002 will be processed in first semester of 2011. Case 002 has four top leaders of Khmer rouge including Ieng Sary , deputy prime minister and foreign minister, head of state Khieu Samphan, president of National assembly Nuon Chea, social minister Ieng Thirith all charged with war crimes, and crimes against humanity.


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