KKC requests King Norodom Sihamoni to help ease the situation of Khmer citizens in Kampuchea Krom when His Majesty is expected to meet visiting VN president Nguyen Minh Triet

Monday, September 13, 2010.

Tuesday August 24, B.E.2554, A.D.2010 Year of the Tiger

KKC Letter No. 39/10

KKC, on behalf of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom associations-organizations, on Aug. 24, 2010 writes to King Norodom Sihamoni to discuss 3 Khmer Krom issues with the planned three-day, Aug. 26 - 28, state visit of VN president Nguyen Minh Triet to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam:

1. Releases all Khmer people being detained and imprisoned in land dispute and freedom of expression cases.
2. Allows Khmers to establish associations and civic organizations on their own land.
3. Allows Khmers to study Khmer language, literature, practice their custom and eliminate all forms of intimidation and harassment.

Original text in Khmer (Cambodian)


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