Vietnam, Laos fighting alliance reviewed

Monday, September 13, 2010.
Party officials, war veterans, scientists and representatives from relevant agencies of Vietnam and Laos are gathering in Xieng Khouang province of Laos for an international scientific seminar on the fighting alliance between the two countries during the war.
The seminar entitled, “The Vietnam-Laos fighting alliance defeats the US Imperialists’s Kou Kiet Operation on the Urn Field-Xieng Khouang Battlefield” will last through Sept. 15.
Prominent among the Vietnamese delegates are Truong Tan Sang, Party politburo member and standing member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and To Huy Rua, politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Commission for Education and Training and Head of the Steering Board of the project on compilation of the history of Vietnam-Laos special ties.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, Samane Viyaket, Lao Party politburo member, State Deputy President, Head of the Party Steering Board on ideology, theory and culture works and head of the Steering Board of the project on compilation of the history of Laos-Vietnam special ties, said the Kou Kiet-Urn Field/Xieng Khouang Battlefield campaign was an important and fierce battle. The campaign saw the defeat of the Nixon theory of using local people to fight local people as well as the enemy’s tactic of using modern destructive weapons. The victory manifested the unique people’s war under the Lao People’s Revolutionary leadership and an outstanding example Laos-Vietnam fighting alliance.
Samane Viyaket said he expects that the seminar will draw scientific and theoretical lessons from the campaign and orientations for the future.
Bounnhang Volachit, Party politburo member and standing member of the Lao Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and State Vice President, expressed his hope that the seminar would provide necessary materials for the compilation of history as well as help educate people of the two countries, especially the youth, and constantly foster the Laos-Vietnam friendship.
Truong Tan Sang expressed his gratitude to Vietnamese and Lao revolutionary leaders, soldiers and war martyrs, who had devoted their lives to two nations’ war of resistance for a bright future.


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